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01/30/2014 Note from 1/Lt Hunt
07/01/09 from Joe Bender
John, I arrived in Alaska early July 57 and departed Sep 58. When the site was converted from a 15 month to 12 month tour of duty, my term was reduced to 14 months. My home of record was PA. I was trained at Scott AFB in Air-To-Ground Radio; but when I arrived Murphydome, they assigned me as AIC of Point-To-Point (in spite of my protests that I didn't know anything about the equipment). I soon learned TRC-1 transmitters and CF-1 and CF2 bays, etc (and not to cross Sgt Legg). Denny Reber and I shared a room and worked P-T-P until the arrival of SSgt Boggs. When he arrived, I was moved into the position of AIC of Air-To-Ground. I have aproximately 4 dozen slides and six or seven pictures that I will attempt to place on disc and get to you. Maybe you can place them on the site for other's possible pleasure. I, have 5 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren (all in GA and I live in NC). My eMail address is for anyone who cares to contact me. You take care and have a great day. Joe Bender |
04/09/09 from Dennis Reber
Hi John,
Nice piece of work in setting up the links...... they're perfect. The photos
are so interesting and bring back many wonderful memories. Many thanks to
both "Airmen" Lombard and Eselby for so generously sharing them and for your
outstanding job of putting them up for the rest of us to enjoy.
Sadly, I don't have any pictures to share. Due to a strange irony, I had a
number of rolls of film being developed at a photo shop in Fairbanks when one of
my hunting partners on the Dome, Lt. Larry Joseph was rotating back to the lower
48. Before he left, he asked me if I would mind if he picked them up and made
copies of them and he'd return the originals to me. Of course I agreed.
Unfortunately, he neglected to send those originals to me. A year or so later,
he was separated from Malmstrom AFB, in Montana and on his way home in Ohio, he
stopped to see me at Lincoln AFB in Nebraska where I had been reassigned from
the Dome. We spent a couple of hours together over coffee and he showed me the
pictures and said he'd almost forgotten about them but that he would get copies
as soon as he got home. That, unfortunately, was my last contact with him.
Soooo, if anyone reading this has knowledge of the whereabouts of Larry Joseph,
he has lots of interesting hunting, fishing, camping and assorted Dome photos.
I'd love to see them again myself. Sad tale but true!
Best wishes, John, and many thanks for your work on this site.