One or two of the Radar Maintenance Crews (sometime between Jan56-Apr 57)
L to R A/2c Mike Meraz A/2c Benner, A/2c Bill Reynolds, A/1c Jimmy Gagnon,
(possibly Sgt Tharp behind Gagnon), A/1c Don Gresh, A/1c B.Wascoe. T/Sgt W.Poe, S/Sgt Neiman
Thanks to Marv Hassebroek for this picture
Other RM personel not shown:
Lt Gene Horsewood
S/Sgt - John Falk / Harvey Lightcap / Sam Nutt / John Snyder / Jack Tharp
A/1c - Patrick Doherty / Marvin Hassebroek / Hildebrand / Roy Tsuruda
A/2c - Benner / Larry Griffin / Bill Murphree / Ken Richmond / Ken Smith
NOTE: If anyone has pictures of the site or personel we would sure appreciate it if you would share them with us.